"Get in the back seat, the oldest always gets to sit in front." Being the baby of a few siblings had its advantages and its disadvantages. One of the many disadvantages was always being in the back seat when my brothers or sister were riding with us. Ugh, what about me? When is it my turn? I can't see from here! But it's not fair! I'm always back here! I'm getting carsick! (which was usually not true, but seemed to always work)
Although this may seem insignificant and pety as an adult looking back, how often have we thought these same thoughts in a figurative sense? Ugh, what about ME Lord? When is it my turn to shine for you? When will I get to do what you put in my heart? When will I see my dreams fulfilled? They always get their way. It doesn't seem fair. WHY ARE MY DREAMS ALWAYS ON THE BACKSEAT?!
I've always felt called to ministry. I feel pregnant with the Word of God as though if I can't teach it and share it I could literally explode. However, there have been seasons where I have had my giftings on full throttle and others where I am crying to the Lord saying.... Remember me? I don't like it in the backseat. Where are we going, I can't see from here...
Although things are timed differently than we would like, look unfamiliar to what wehad hoped, or just seem plain off the map from where we assumed our course would be, I hate to state the obvious, but remember, God is way smarter than we are! It is all for His purpose anyway. Keep connected to Him, pushing into Him, sensitive to His leading...Proverbs 3:4-6 states, "so shall you find favor, good understanding, and high esteem in the sight [or judgment] of God and man. Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths."
God has given us all desires, gifts, capabilities and talents unique to His purpose and calling just for us. He doesn't change His mind, lose patience or even decide to go with someone better down the line. Romans 11:29 says, For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.] The Lord has not withdrawn His call and giftings for you.
As we choose to obey God no matter the circumstances, continue to trust Him, recognize and acknowledge Him... He WILL make straight our paths. He WILL open up doors of opportunity. He WILL turn everything around for Good for those who love Him.
Be encouraged! God hasn't forgotten about You! His thoughts and plans for you are good! The Lord has not forgotten what His intentions are for you. He is not sitting on the throne saying... Now, why did I create her again? NO! He is a strategic creator who has everything aligned perfectly for His ways to be accomplished. Work with Him...Allow Him to awaken the dreams that once dominated your passion. Trust Him, His timing and His leading. Follow His promptings and be quick to obey... And be amazed at the goodness of God and delight in the fact that you were made on purpose, for a purpose. Say it aloud.."God hasn't forgotten me. He made me on purpose, for a purpose." Speak the Words of Life over you! Your greater days are ahead!